For-profit & non-profit social enterprises that meet the following criteria are invited to apply today:

  • Have been operating for at least 1 year
  • Have at least one person working full-time
  • Have a plan for financial sustainability
  • Address a critical development challenge in Egypt
  • Looking to grow and scale

Application deadline: May 31, 2014

There will be two phases in the fellowship process:

In the first phase (September-December 2014), successful applicants will receive access to our global networks though webinars and virtual networking sessions.

Up to 10 social enterprises will then participate in a 2 year fellowship program (2015-2016) in which they will gain intimate access to our networks, concentrated acceleration programs (approx 10 day each in various locations globally) in key areas for growth, as well as critical introductions to potential investors and clients. They will continue to work on their social enterprises in Egypt with strategic consultations and retreats happening 4-5 times over the course of the two year period.

Various activities will be planned during and subsequent to the fellowship to maintain and grow a strong community bond – we consider fun to be a core component of any great program!