Pilot funding is secured by Drosos Foundation to move forward with building and testing this new innovative model to support the Egyptian social innovation ecosystem through evidence and collaboration.
MAY - JUNE 2018
Global best practices: Digital Mapping
We head on a global field study to establish best practices in digitizing maps for social impact. LEEP Director (Dr. Mona Mowafi) and Co-Manager for Strategy & Digital Social Innovation Lead (Ms. Noran Abdou) meet with experts from MIT’s Civic Data Design Lab and Azavea on how to create effective maps to inform social policy, the Harvard Humanitarian Initiative on how to enable mapping in remote areas, and the United Nations Data 4 SDGs on alignment with the SDGs for global benchmarking.
APRIL 2018
Mapping the Egyptian Social Innovation (SI) ecosystem
We explore technical issues around mapping innovation for sustainable development locally. Organizations that have engaged in mapping diverse sectors in Egypt come together to share knowledge, exchange insights as well as bumps in the road and validate the idea of mapping Egyptian SIs while layering on open data to enable more effective development research and market analysis.